About Ohana Beginnings

Ohana Beginnings is a comprehensive program that supports our mission of supporting mothers with an unplanned pregnancy and strengthening families. If a young woman is pregnant or single parenting and needs help, we are here for her.

Our seven centers are inclusive of: 

  • Residential Treatment Center (currently available): This center provides education, therapy, shelter/housing, food, and clothing for expecting mothers or parenting single women, women who have been trafficked, experienced homelessness, or who are otherwise in need of residential treatment services. Women will get treatment she needs to overcome depression/anxiety, addiction, suicidal ideation, self-harm, and other mental and emotional struggles.
  • Adoption Center (currently available): Provides a legal, ethical and safe adoption process with vetted agencies. The mother is given a mentor and provided with support during pregnancy and in the years following placement of her baby.
  • Pregnanacy Help Center (currently available): Women facing an unexpected pregnancy receive resources and tools to help support them during their pregnancy. Starting with an evaluation is reviewed to determine the services that are needed for that individual mother. A Life-Plan is created and set in motion to help her gain access into the life she dreams of for her and her baby. Additional services include: family planning counseling, family education, access to birth control, pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and much more.
  • Ohana Home: a place where young moms can stay and work on their educational and career pathways, while also receiving therapeutic support and learning parenting skills. Most of our residents will also have access to a job to begin gaining the needed skills to support themselves in the future. 
  • Education Center: Offers access and opportunity for the mother (and the father of the baby) to graduate high school, create a post-secondary education pathway (often with scholarships), and allows her to persue viable career options.
  • Family Therapy Center: For individuals, couples and families in need of healing from past traumas or any mental health needs.
  • Early Childhood Development Center: Babies and children from Ohana Home can develop a plethora a social, emotional and educational skills. The center helps them to feel safe, loved, and cared for while their mother’s are prepareing for their future. This center is provided as a service to Ohana Home moms, but is also open to the public until it reaches capacity. 

In addition to our 7 centers, we also have our  Volunteer Center for anyone wanting to help! 

Coming soon – Ohana Dads! 

The Vision

Ohana Beginnings overreaching mission is about helping women with an unplanned pregnancy to gain hope, vision, personal growth, and lifelong learning. It is an opportunity for families to pull together and to be strengthened, and for pregnant young women to rise from victim to survivor to a thriving member of the community as both a mother and a contributor.

Ohana Beginnings is based on some founding principles: 

  • Family is a fundamental building block of strong communities and nations;
  • You save a mom; you save generations; 
  • Spirituality or a higher power and family are essential elements to intrinsic motivation which develops self-esteem and gives rise to our integrity – regardless of the size or structure of the family; 
  • Physical health developed by healthy nutrition, good sleep and a fitness plan are all critical aspects of being able to serve one’s self and others; 
  • Education and lifelong learning are not only related to employment, but to one’s ability to protect our families and our freedom. It is power: power to succeed in literally every aspect of life and education is the ultimate fuel for personal and spiritual growth; 
  • A principal-based life gives meaning and clarity to our purpose for existing; 
  • Social skills, inclusive of global awareness, brings the light of joy to those purposes of existing; 
  • Financial literacy and responsibility are requirements for security and success irrespective of the size of income; understanding that income is not needed for happiness, but for substance; 
  • Mental health is woven into every previously mentioned particle of life. A healthy mind and paradigm of life is the beginning of the creation of how we see ourselves as human beings and how we see, treat, feel, and think about others around us;
  • Everyone deserves to feel loved, wanted, needed, valued and understood.

Ohana Beginnings believes that when families struggle, communities struggle, but healing of both the family and the community can happen. 

Ohana also recognizes that 4/10 babies are born to single women in our country. Over 80% of welfare cases are to single mothers or began as such. These families need support, opportunity and access to education, and sustaining employment. 

When a woman is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, we offer 3 pathways: adoption, single-parenting, or marriage. The ultimate choice is up to the young woman. Once the choice is made, residency at Ohana Beginnings’ home or our residential  treatment center is available for those between the ages of 13-36. However, a woman is NOT required to be a resident to obtain other services. Our services such as the Education Center, Therapy Center, Adoption Center, and services from the Pregnancy Help Center are offered STATE WIDE. These services are available to all members of the community. 

We also offer therapeutic healing for those who have made the choice to have an abortion so that those women too can get the compassionate support that they may need and deserve. 

Looking to Volunteer?

Kind volunteers are the lifeblood of Ohana Beginnings. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer, consider visiting our volunteer page for more information!

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Want to Donate?

Consider making a donation – Your donation will help young, single moms obtain and education and care for their child.

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